No snow day?! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get an early dismissal! That way you don't have to make up the day!
Kel- we have the snow Katy and I did a math word problem ...I one car leaves CT at 7a.m. and another leaves Boston and they both travel 70mph. where and when will they meet? Now Katy has her hads full with Rocky!
it's coming down crazy fast here now...
I saw your area on NECN Katy...we did our meet at the right time.thanks!
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No snow day?! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get an early dismissal! That way you don't have to make up the day!
Kel- we have the snow Katy and I did a math word problem ...I one car leaves CT at 7a.m. and another leaves Boston and they both travel 70mph. where and when will they meet? Now Katy has her hads full with Rocky!
it's coming down crazy fast here now...
I saw your area on NECN Katy...we did our meet at the right time.thanks!
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