Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Farewell Patrick Swayze

Usually, I will only watch a movie once. BUT Dirty Dancing is one of the movies I would watch over and over. Amy reminds me I wouldn't let her see it, but she watched it over a friend's house) It's ok now Amy,you can see it.


Bahston Beans said...

I wasn't allowed to watch it either! Did you guys decide what to ban together or independently?

Grandma said...

Maybe we were afraid you'd sign up for summer camp in the Catskills!

Bahston Beans said...

You saw our dance recitals. There's no way we could have cut it with the Dirty Dancing group.

Grandma said...

ha Kelly..with enough sequins it doesn't matter. Oh and I think I meant the Poconos!

Heather said...

Aw, that's one of my all time favorite movies. Patrick will be missed -- he brought us many great movie moments. I was a fan all the way back to the North and South mini-series. So sad :(