Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our own version.....

of the old photo booth! Anything to keep Jennie from busting in the room and waking Tyler from his nap. Sure she should be sleeping longer, but she always has another plan.
Jennie loves to see her picture on the screen. Me on the other hand...scary!!!


Katy Shamitz said...

love that last one- and LOVE that she's wearing a pumpkin costume!

Bahston Beans said...

Way to go Jennie. Don't let her tell you when to go to sleep! She tried that one on me too.

Grandma said...

haaa Kelly!! you're right...you gave me such a stare!!!

Bahston Beans said...

I'll teach Jennie "the stare" next time I see her. :)

Grandma said...

It will be taught from a pro Kel. I can vividly remember putting you in the crib when your parents were moving. You picked your head up and gave me the hairy eyeball...like "are you seriously thinking I am going to sleep now lady?"