Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just not the same.....

fun as you're having James.....but good to know I'm making a dent in the leaves over here. Bought 15 giant bags and so far have filled and emptied them 3 times at the landfill.(thanks to Pep's trips with the truck) Now the leaves are with their other leaf friends and together they can decompose:)....Now back outside I go!


Amy said...

James was like, "Huh?" But I'm cracking up!!!

Bahston Beans said...

You call that a leaf pile?!

Grandma said...

yeah, that's not a leaf pile, it's a clump....2 of the 20 clumps all around the yard and if the kids tried jumping in them they'd injure themselves with sticks and pine needles.

Katy Shamitz said...

OMG! Lololololol!