Sunday, April 25, 2010

They come as a pair!

Off to Agway. Their bottoms were soaked in about 2 seconds because the pad in the wagon was wet. Luckily we were heading to their house and we had plenty of clothes in the car....quick change in the parking lot!
Jennie chooses purple pansies. Tyler chose yellow.

Hi to the "FISHIES!!!"

A girl with a purpose!!

Jennie "picked" her flowers ...literally. Tyler's are yellow and Jennie's are green for now with the purple flowers on the floor of my car:)
Ty said if you forget to water them it's "no big deal" if it's going to rain. Tyler are you sure you're only 3? Between that and using words like"otherwise" and "actually"....I'm not so sure!


Katy Shamitz said...

I also like, "after all," "not a fan of," and "I didn't realize."

Yesterday, walking of of the YMCA on Rob's shoulders with a green balloon, he spontaneously yelled out, "I am such a lucky kid!"

Bahston Beans said...

This is too cute!

Grandma said...

I can just picture that!!